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Free Marketing And Sales Livecast For MSPs And IT Services Business Owners

How To Set Up Autopilot Marketing Systems To Consistently Get 1 To 2 High-Profit Managed Services Clients Every Month!

(Plus, Instant Access To A 21 Page Success Guide)

Attention MSP and IT Services Business Owners, this is free for one time only! 

We are going to be exposing our PROVEN system that will help you build the ultimate sales and marketing machine in your company to generate leads, appointments, and SALES!

You will get to join us LIVE to discover the exact framework 10,000+ MSPs have used to put their lead generation and sales on overdrive.

Start generating the results you deserve for the work you've been putting in!

On This Livecast With Q&A You'll Discover...
How to avoid wasting thousands of dollars and your precious time on marketing campaigns that don’t work. (I’ll reveal the exact marketing media that has been proven time and time again to work best when marketing IT services.)
Auto-pilot marketing systems that will cut the time and effort of selling in half while virtually eliminating cheap clients. This is price-shopper pest control for your business!
 The 4 critical components to any marketing system you must have to unlock a flood of new sales and business opportunities. ALL marketing and sales systems must be based on these or you'll flop, fumble and fail to get marketing to work! 
How to position yourself as the most “in demand” consultant in your area with the highest fees and still get more business than cheaper competitors.
What type of marketing media is hands down the BEST for promoting your services (and which ones to avoid like the plague because they will waste your time, drain your bank account, and leave you disappointed and frustrated.)

Who Is Aaron And Why Should You Listen To Him?

If you need to know how to generate more sales in your IT services business, then you need to talk to Aaron Leicht. Aaron is a senior marketing and business development consultant with a solid track record of building highly effective sales and marketing teams for both small businesses as well as two Fortune 1000 companies.

As the Vice President of Client Coaching for Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc. Aaron has directly consulted over 5,000+ IT services firms on how to get an effective sales and marketing plan in place – whether they are just starting out or ramping up a larger, more established IT services practice. His approach is highly consultative, practical and service-focused, resulting in experience-based advice in marketing, lead generation, solution-based selling and team-building that will work.
“Sales Have Increased 51% And Our Profits MORE Than Doubled!”
“For the first 11 years we were in business, our marketing wasmeasured by the ‘darts’ method. (We threw darts at a wall to seewhat stuck.) We had no direction, and at times it was a little scarybecause we didn’t know how we were going to pay the bills.After implementing Robin’s materials, we have seen a tremendous 51% increasein sales, 164% increase in profits, a 26% increase in recurring revenue and a23% increase in clients. Now, that’s what I call results!”
bill hogan, Partner plus
From Marketing Newbies To $21,528 In MRR And 33 New Opportunities – All In Just 90 Days! 
Most IT business owners unsuccessfully “dabble” in marketing. They send out a sales letter or postcard, get little or no results and then swear off direct mail. Later, they might test their luck with an ad in a trade publication or newspaper. Again, no results. Then they’re on to the next “shiny object” everyone is talking about… only to test it once and throw it away when the phones don’t ring.

This was us…until we found Robin!

During the first 90 days of following Robin’s methodology and advice, we got 194 new leads and added $21,528. When all is said and done, those new contracts will equal $883,029 over 36 months! In addition, we’ve filled our pipeline with 33 opportunities that could produce an additional $38,699 in MRR!

A piece of advice from one IT guy to another…When it comes to Robin’s programs, take the leap and the net will appear. At first it really seems overwhelming, but once you dig in, suddenly your eyes open to things you never knew you could accomplish.

Mat Zoglio – Zog, Inc.  
I’ve Done More For My Company In 3 MONTHS Than I Have In The Last 15 Years!
These last 90 days of working with Technology Marketing Toolkit has made me really open my eyes. I have done more for my company these last three months than I have in the last 15 years. I have completely changed the entire company around, including moving from my home office to a real office, hiring a new admin and technician, raising my hourly rate for the first time in 15 years and I started offering managed services!

I closed 53% of my clients to managed services and the rest accepted my higher rate — SUCCESS!

We increased our monthly recurring revenue by $18,875 and our net new revenue by $46,275! Plus, in just two months we received six referrals, including one WHALE for $11,400 in MRR!

Mario Zaki – Mazteck IT 
5301 Maryland Way Suite 300 Brentwood, TN 37027
Phone: 615-790-5011 | Fax: 615-595-1448 | E-mail: or